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8 deadly harms of technology

iPhone, laptop, tablet are evidences of the progress in technology. In some respects, it is positive. However, high-tech advances also come with some undesirable consequences. Our brain works less and less because of the emergence of high technology. Mr. Michael Merzenich, a neuroscientist, said in his book “The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing To Our The Brains”, warning of the impact of technology with human intelligence. So, how can technology affect our brains and how does it harm? 

1. Causing Insomnia

Studies have shown that blue light emitted by devices such as smartphones, tablets and laptops can prevent the development of melatonin in the body at night. Melatonin is a hormone that helps regulate important biological clocks of humans, it tells you when it is night and when you feel sleepy. Blue light can disrupt the process, making you unable to go to sleep under reasonable time.

Insomnia will have some negative effects on your brain. If you do not get enough sleep at least 7 hours per night, your mood will increasingly deteriorate, reducing focus on the job and issues related to the ability to remember, not to mention that some brain tissue dies.

2. Causing distraction

This is a problem not really need science to prove. In fact, the technology makes people easily distracted, whether you are surfing phone, tablet, in your spare time or even while eating.

In particular, youth groups are especially distracted than ever by technology. A survey on 2,400 teachers by the Pew Research Center conducted in 2012 showed that most teachers felt distracted than previous generations.

3. Our memory becomes worse 

Technology makes people more difficult to form new memories. As Nicholas Carr explains, there are two kinds of memory: temporary working memory and long term memory. Information should be shifted from working memory into long-term memory to be stored. Any suspended action in the work process of memory, such as talking, stopping to check email or send a text message, reading an article... can delete information from your mind before the transfer of memory takes place.

There is also a limit on the amount of information that the working memory can store at the same time. Handle too much information at once would be like “pouring water into a glass continuously from day to day, then of course the water will have to spill out”, Tony Schwartz expert told The Huffington Post last year .

4. Therefore, we need the Internet to remember

People can remember a large amount of knowledge, such as memorizing every word of an entire novel, but the technology has erased all. The study indicates that, as you know Google or smartphone can save a piece of information for you, you are less likely to want to store it in memory. In this way, our brains will become more and more sluggish.

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