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To have a happy family is not simple. But nothing is impossible. If you get 4 below secrets, you will have a happy family:

Love is the beginning of happiness

The family members must be glue which is love. Thanks to the love that the family members always share and encourage each other, always try to live for each other. Love from parents for children as well as the love of children for parents are very natural feelings. If parents have busy jobs without time to look after children, the distance between children and parents will appear. The child will feel lonely in their home and will study many bad habits. So family members break the carriers to love each other with sincere heart.

The warmth and happiness will surround your family that a lot of money cannot afford.

Trust will make happiness longer

If there is always suspicion in a family, life will be very tired. Trust is an important factor to build a happy family. All members have to trust each other.

 Trust in sharing out every happiness and sorrow. All members should constantly strive to maintain the confidence of the other members. Trusting each other makes members closer.

To have a happy family, self-discipline is created.

The self-awareness should be created from a solid foundation for a long time. Children should not make decisions too early. They must be forged with more severe disciplines to gradually recognize what is right or what is wrong. If parents let children do whatever they want, the child will easily fall into bad habits such as smoking, drinking or using drugs.

When a child reaches a certain age, there is a certain mindset that parents can trust, it is necessary to uphold the child's self-awareness at this time.

Know to take responsibility is one of secrets to have a happy family

Being irresponsible will crush a happy family. Responsibility is made up of love, faith and self-discipline. The members in a family should love, share happiness or sorrow, sympathize each other which would voluntarily form responsibility.

Each member of the family feels responsible for other members. When the sense of responsibility becomes a habit, it will not just stop at home but extends to friends, colleagues.

Above are 4 tips to have a happy family, but if the people in a family will form in a very natural way. Let's nurture the love, trust, responsibility so that they becomes sustainable.

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