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First love with the sweet and romantic memories has always been the most unforgettable things.  To forget the first love in the past will not easy at all, but you should try. Nothing is impossible. Some helpful tips will help you to forget the first love:


1. Do not try recall the romantic memories

There will be a lot of times you return to the past, recall your memories but you should not do it immediately. Please refrain from thinking about what was over, try not to remember or imagine nice memories in the past. This is one of tips that can help you reduce pain and injury.

2. Give yourself a little time to be sad

Although you do not want to return to the past, but you should still give yourself a certain amount of time to upset for that love. You must do this with every relationship, but your first love will be the hardest. It may takes months, even years to overcome the first love, but as time passes, you will see more relieved.

3. Remember that you will love again

Having failed in first love does not mean you'll never love again. Do not think so. Frankly, you maybe love again earlier than you expect a lot, especially if you meet someone who is really congenial to you. Of course, after an emotional breakdown, you should not hurry but do not think that you will stop loving.

4. Let the emotion itself heal the wound

You've been hurt. It makes you take a lot of time to overcome and heal the "wounds". However, you do not just jump right into another relationship just to try the feeling you've ever had with former lover again. It is better if you let it happen naturally.

5. Get the support from family and friends

The support of family and friends will be a relief for you in this moment. Remember, it was the first love so it is very different from any relationship that you have experienced. The support of family and friends will save your life. You will be happier and the wound in your heart will be quickly recovered.

6. Write a diary

Keeping a diary while trying to forget the echo of first love really will help you overcome the bad days. Why? Because you have the opportunity to look back and understand exactly what you feel with this affair.

7. Cry if you want

Finally, let yourself cry whenever you feel it is right. If you try to shut every emotion, it will only make the situation worse. You should allow yourself to liberate all the emotions that were pent instead of holding them inside.

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