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What is depression?

All of us sometimes feel sad or blue for a moment, and it is also a very normal thing when you suffer when facing an upset certain situations, such as loss of a family member, loss job, or a divorce.

With most of them, feeling sad and depressed gradually decreases. However, if that feeling lasts more than 2 weeks and begin obstructing daily life, it is a sign of depression. Being bored, pessimistic, easily tired and not interested in anything are the manifestations of depression. When the depression lasts long, the patients easily lead to negative behaviors.

People who suffer from depression might see despair, futility and self-blame about these feelings. They may be nervous breakdown. Also, they are not involved in the daily activities again, withdrawing from family and friends. Some people even think about death or suicide.

Common signs of depression in people

- Sad or depressed face

- Feel isolated and lonely.

- Loss of interest in life: walking slowly, feeling of tiredness, fatigue, neglect many things including household chores.

- Eat less

- Hard to sleep, waking up early, crave for sleep without sleep, sometimes sleeping but woke up sick.

- Meeting difficulty in concentrating, reluctant and indecisive.

- The communication is working then reluctantly, avoiding greetings, become forgetful.

- Sometimes seek to die.

Some situations lead to depression.

- "Mental trauma", or "shock" such as bereavement, stress or high pressure at work.

- Pupils and students have too much homework, feeling something missing, exhausted.

- Older people express sorrow, pain, slowness, quietness, and forgetfulness.

-Patients with schizophrenia also have time to be depressed.

What should be done if the symptoms of depression appear?

- Do not defy symptoms of depression, tell those symptoms to your friends, family and relatives.

- Upon detection of depression, reassure again and seek help from specialist doctors soon. This will be useful for treatment process.

- Check therapist: medication and monitoring must also be implemented to prevent more severe symptoms.

Tips When Seeing A Doctor

- If the patient has the intention of suiciding then "emergency" to the nearest hospital.

- Call your doctor and treatment with psychiatric specialist. Do not lose the time taking from wrong doctors.

-There are many types of antidepressants. However, remember to choose the right kind, use the right strategy. New methods of treatment should be applied to increase successful rate of curing, and decrease the rate of recurrence.

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