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Kinds Of The Mental Illness

Mental illness can affect anyone of any age, generally it does not affect intellectual ability and can be successfully treated in most cases.

The examples of mental illness: Depression, bipolar Disorder, anxiety Disorders, schizophrenia, eating Disorders.

Here are some world Mental Health Facts:

• The number of people with mental disorders or neurological disease: 450 000 000

• Number of people with a familiar mental disorder, can be treated but never ask for help: 297 000 000

• The number of families may have at least one member with a mental disorder: 1 in 4

• Number of countries (out of 191) does not have a policy on mental health: 78

• The number of countries have no mental health program: 69

• The number of countries have no mental health legislation: 37

• Number of countries that do not have treatment method for severe mental disorders in health care: 73

-The mood disorder, also known as emotional disorders affects the way people feel about themselves, about other people and life in general:

• Depression (depression)

• Bipolar disorder (manic depression)

• Suicidal behavior

The anxiety disorders are experiences from fear, unusual fear, and even terror:

• General anxiety disorder

• Frighten

• Obsessed (the feel of appalling when seeing an object, situation or specific activity)

Stress disorder after trauma (consciously seeing traumatic event for months and sometimes years after experiencing that event).

-Schizophrenia and related disorders are the changes in the structure of the brain and can cause emaciated state, hallucinations (such as hearing "voices") and delusions (such as imagine to have a great mysterious power).

The disease is not multiple personality disorder (now known as dissociation disorder) – an unrelated mental illness and completely different:

• Schizophrenia

• Schizoaffective Disorder

-Eating disorders involve in distorted image of the body. As a consequence, it is hard for sufferer to eat healthy nutrition by themselves:

• Anorexia nervosa (lose weight too much and be afraid of gaining weight)

• Bulimia nervosa (uncontrolled eating times and then vomit or expulsion in somehow)

-The personality disorders include the patterns of thought, mood, communication and impulsive temperament which make patients and others unhappy:

• Borderline personality disorder (difficulty in maintaining positive relationships)

Paranoid personality disorder (have doubt about other people or do not believe anyone)

Antisocial personality disorder (impulsive behavior, aggression and violate the rights of others)

The disorder which is caused by abusing stimulant talks about the use of alcohol or illegal drugs excessively, leading to significant problems of social, occupation and health:


• Abuse of drugs or narcotics


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