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5 surprising factors make our life more stressful

Nowadays, stress is considered to be an unavoidable part of our life and it is pity when most people feel they can do nothing to deal with this mental problem. Why? Many scientists believe that what makes people increasingly stressful is that they do not know its reasons, thus it is absolutely easy to understand they will not know how to tackle it, as a result. Therefore, today, let’s find out 5 surprising factors that make our life more stressful.

1. Social media

In recent years, social media including mobile apps, forms of technologies and websites especially social networking sites like Youtube, Facebook and Twitter have become more and more popular around the world. We can deny the great advantages it brings to our life such as enhancing the way people communicate with others, being sources of entertainment, relaxing or information, but, social media still has a downsize that has raised a lot of concerns, and particularly in terms of stress. When you are participating in social networking sites, you may feel they are the only way enables you to keep in touch and keep pace with your friends. To some extends, it may be good, but actually, it can spread stress from your friend’s situations to your life. And more importantly, several studies have indicated that frequent social media has a close relation with negative effects on mental issues. 

2. Distraction

A distraction may be positive when it keeps you stay far away from a stressful situation or difficult decision. But it sometimes works in  the other way, as well: When you're always thinking about something that you can't enjoy, that kind of distraction can be a cause for stress. 

3. Your expectations

When things turns out of your control, you often have a tendency to get upset and act defensively, or more interestingly ,roll with the punches and come up with a new plan. Sometimes you could have a mindset of pessimism and victimization that will slowly wear you down. It doesn't mean that you should not set ambitious goals for yourself or settle for less than what you want, of course, being realistic about what's possible to come is important. 

4. Multitasking

 A 2014 University of Pretigiee study suggested that those who responded to emails, phone calls or messages while also trying to get their work done all day have experienced more heart-rate variability than those who responded to all their emails at one time. Focusing on one task at a time can enable you to do that job to the best of your abilities and energy as well as getting the most out of it, so you needn’t worry about or fix it later. However, you may actually discover that you have more time than you’ve thought. 

5. Your health

In fact, people who often take healthy living to an extreme may experience some rather unhealthy effects. For instant, people who follow healthy diets are more possibly to report that they’re highly stressful, while those on other kinds of restrictive meal plan may feel really more tired than usual. Additionally, it is not unheard for someone to get obsessed with healthy eating or working out. Like any form of perfectionism, these problems can be stressful at best, and much more extremely dangerous at worst.

Here are 5 surprising factors that you should try to avoid to have a healthy life! 

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