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Numerous benefits when you eat avocado every day

Rich in nutrients and vitamins necessary for the body, avocado has many good effects for your health such as preventing heart disease, cancer as well as supporting weight loss.

According to many studies, avocado is abundant in nutrients and provides nearly 20 types of vitamins and minerals in each serving. For your information, an avocado often contains: vitamin K, folate, vitamin C, pantothenic acid, potassium, vitamin B and vitamin E.

Here are the health benefits that this nutritious fruit brings when you eat in your daily diet.

Support weight loss and weight maintenance

Avocados support weight loss and maintain a healthy BMI index by creating the feeling of satiety. Besides, this fruit contains high content of fiber, averaging about 14g in each avocado. A study on the Journal of the American Dietetic showed that eating half of an avocado in daily meals can help overweight people feel satisfied and full longer after eating, for that, reducing their desire for foods.


Prevent cancer

Avocado provides the body with phytochemicals which works to prevent cancer tumors. A protein compound called glutathione, along with xanthophylls lutein in avocado are effective in reducing the incidence of oral cancer. Moreover, the preliminary data also indicated that avocado is potential in preventing breast cancer and prostate cancer.

Reduce the risk of heart disease

Avocados are good for the cardiovascular system because it contains low content of saturated fats and high content of healthy fats. Excessive consumption of saturated fats (more than 10% of total calories) can increase bad cholesterol and triglycerides. Conversely, consuming unsaturated fats can lower bad cholesterol (LDL), maintains good cholesterol (HDL) as well as improving insulin sensitivity in the body.

In addition, avocados also have many nutrients such as potassium, lutein and antioxidants such as carotenoids, callexanthophylls and phenol. These compounds may help prevent inflammation, oxidation of blood vessels and help blood flows more easily.

Protect the skin and eyes

Lutein and zeaxanthin, two compounds in avocado help slow the deterioration of vision and prevent the disorders of the visual function. These compounds are also effective in combating the damage from UV rays. This hepls keep your skin smooth and healthy. A diet with daily avocado is a wondeful choice for your health.

Improve nutritional absorption

According to experts, some nutrients people consume is fat soluble, which means they need to combine with fat for the body to absorb completely. For example, the fat-soluble nutrients including vitamins A, D, E, K and some certain antioxidants. Many studies showed that adding half an avocado in salad with spinach, lettuce and carrots help you absorb 8.3 times the antioxidant called alpha-carotene, 13.6 times beta-carotene, 4.3 times lutein in comparison with those who use salad without avocado.

 Improve the nervous system and muscles

The amount of potassium in avocados help balance electrolytes. This helps muscles work effectively, while improving energy for the nervous system and metabolic processes in the body.


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