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Cancer Symptoms in Men

Cancer is one of the most common causes of death in male adults. A healthy diet can decrease the risk of developing certain cancer, however, other factors like genes can play a more important role.

When cancer spreads, it will be very difficult to treat. Knowing and detecting early symptoms of cancer can help you have more chances to seek early treatment. Here are some common cancer symptoms in men we should to know:

1. Bowel Changes

The occasional bowel problem is a normal thing. However, the changes in your bowels might indicate either colon or rectal cancer, which is collectively called colorectal cancers. Colon cancer can affect the entire colon, while rectal cancer has impact on the lower portion which connects to the anus.

Frequent diarrhea and constipation are main factors which may indicate cancer, especially if these bowel changes come on suddenly. These problems also occur with frequent gas and abdominal pain.

2. Rectal Bleeding

Rectal bleeding belongs to an early sign of rectal cancer. This is seen clearly in the case of experiencing bleeding from the rectum every time you pass a bowel movement. You will notice blood in your stools. Rectal bleeding is a cancer symptom, colon cancers are not easy but difficult to self-diagnose in the early stages. Regular colon cancer screenings are suggested starting at age 50.

3. Blood in Urine

We may know that prostate cancer doesn’t always show symptoms in its earliest stage, blood in the urine can belong to one of them. A sign of urinary tract infection or other prostate problems may be blood in urine. Early prostate cancer can also lead to bloody semen.

4. Persistent Back Pain

Back pain is considered as the most common cause of disability, however, few men realize that back pain might be a sign of cancer. Common symptoms of colorectal and prostate cancers may not appear until they spread to other parts of the body like the back.

Back pain is different from occasional muscle pain, this causes tenderness and discomfort in the bones.

5. Unusual Coughing

Coughing is not exclusive to smokers at all, or to people who are catching with a cold or allergies. An unusual or persistent cough is an early sign of lung cancer. If you don’t have any other related symptoms such as a fever, the cough is likely to not being related to a virus or infection. Coughing with bloody mucus is often seen as linking with lung cancer in men.

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