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Alls to know about Lips balm

Aside from some other kinds of Lipstick family such as matte lipsticks, saint lipsticks, gloss lipsticks, lips balm is known for its standout advantage as moisturizing and protecting users’ lips. However, lips balm is popularly used until late 2014 to 2015 with the lipstick development. If you still wonder about characteristics, pros and cons of lips balm, this article is what you are looking for.


Lips Balm Definition: Lips balm is simply defined as a preparation applied to soothe sore or cracked lips. It is also the reason why women all over the world use lips balm about 30 times per day according to research.

Different from lipsticks or lips gloss which is mainly used for makeup purpose, lips balm is normally mentioned with other purposes such as moisturizing, healing and protecting lips from sun. There are some major benefits of a lips balm that you may not know yet. First, lip balm is a moisturizing must for women at all ages. It helps your lips maintain idea moisturizing level and prevent chapping. Dry climates and wind tends to be blamed for dry-looking lips that are prone to chapping. Thus, by applying a lip moisturizer, you can help protect your lips from being dry and then lip-crashing as a result. 


Moreover, Lip balms are also great sunscreen products. Almost lip balms nowadays always have SPF 30 which can help to prevent the beauty and natural health of the lips from negative influences of sun rays. Besides, some makeup bands also add alcohol substance into their lip balm products in order to avoid bacterial attack to users’ lips. Nowadays, with the development of lipstick industry, lip balms also have smell appealing with fruit, floral or food scents. That somehow likes giving customers a special treat.

Lips Balm Cons:

Everything has two sides as the bad and the good. Aside from some aforementioned advantages of lips balm, there are also some weak points. First, it is the low manufacturing quality. Because the price of a lip balm is quite low, the manufacturing process is sometimes not taken into the account. While lip balms coming from big and famous brands such as Nuxe, Dior or Avene have good quality in use, some other products coming from common brands are likely to use cheap ingredients to save costs. That leads to many allergies and various bad affect reported. In addition, overusing lips balms for a long time also cause damages towards users’ lips. For example, such products will gradually change the natural color and reduce the softness and glow of lips.

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