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Recognize if you are skinny but still have excess fat

Your BMI index does not accurately reflect the state of the body. For your information, thin people with belly fat are likely to have higher rate of death than those who are overweight or obese.

According to experts, 1/4 people with normal weight are affected by the syndrome ‘skinny but obese’. They look healthy, but when examining, they have high concentration of fat and inflammation. They are at high risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Check your blood pressure, cholesterol level and blood sugar is one of the best ways to know the health condition from inside. In addition, you can refer to some of the symptoms below.

Have fat belly

In many cases, fat may warn dangerousness. One of the most harmful one is belly fat because that is the beginning of insulin resistance and inflammatory proteins.This type of fat does not appear at once and you tend to easily ignore. Therefore, keep in mind if your pants are getting tighter.

Physical inactivity

Thin people may still have excess fat, especially in the absence of physical activity. ‘If you are not overweight, you often do not have the habit of exercising to keep fit’ explained by experts. ‘Lack of regular activities, they will gradually weaken’.

Cycling, running or swimming are two of the important and simple activities to keep healthy heart and lungs, improve muscles as well as supporting metabolism and burning harmful fat.

Family history

If your parents or your siblings suffered from diabetes, heart diseases, high blood pressure or high cholesterol level, you are susceptible to the same problems. Maintaining stable weight will reduce the risk of these diseases, but only if you exercise and have healthy diet.

Have unhealthy diet

You feel happy because you do not gain weight despite eating a lot of fast foods, confectionaries, or soft drinks? Moreover, you do not touch any fruits and vegetables. This makes you consume too much sugar, salt, fats and it leads to vitamins, fiber and protein deficiency. As a result, your organs are damaged and the risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease or cancer will increase.

Bad eating habits such as skipping meals or fasting will also cause negative effects on your health.

In conclusion, BMI index is not the perfect measure for all groups of people, especially with some nations. Research in 2011 showed that South Asian residents often have more belly fat than the other although their BMI index are the same. Genes certainly influence the process of fat accumulation, one more thing that matters is culture and traditional diets.

In addition, older people should not care too much about BMI index. Over time, our body will reduce muscle and increase fat so it is important to exercise regularly to live longer and healthier.

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