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Nowadays, we have get so accustomed with the definition of cloud computing. It is no doubt that cloud computing is more and more common with every firms and organizations all over the world. But not everyone have full knowledge about what cloud computing is and how does it operate. In this article, we will study about the levels of a “cloud”.

Let’s take a quick look on the image no. 1 below. This is an overview about the three components that make a “cloud” well operate. This image has exactly reflected the total size of a cloud system. It image not only shows the levels of a cloud, but also shows the levels of technology industry.

The levels that make a “cloud” include.

Applications services

This level is so familiar to the ones who use the web every day. These applications services level help storing the application that is suitable with the SaaS model. These applications run “in a cloud” and are provided if required. Sometimes these services are provided with no charge, because the provider can get revenue from other things such as web ads or something else.

This level includes the applications like Turo taxe, Gmail, Google calendar, yahoo mail, etc., If you have used one or more of those applications, it means you have accessed to the first level of a cloud: applications services

Platform services

This is the second level include the services which support for the above applications. These applications may be running in “the cloud” or they could be running in a data center. To achieve the most effectiveness, these application need supports from service such as Amazon Web Services, IBM®, Cast Iron, WebSphere®, Boomi, Application Server virtual images, and Google App Engine. These platform services allow the users to make sure their applications are ready to meet all their needs by providing the best method of effectively using the cloud data.

Infrastructure services

The bottom, also the last level of a cloud named services infrastructure. This level includes a set of physical assets such as servers, network devices and storage disks which are offered to consumers as the services. These services have the roles of supporting the infrastructure applications above – no matter if those infrastructure applications are being provided via a cloud or not.

Examples of infrastructure services can be mentioned as below: Microsoft Azure Platform, VMware, IBM Bluehouse, Sun Cloud Storage Parascale, Amazon EC2, etc.

We can simply understand that the infrastructure services focused on the problem of equipping data centers by assuring computing power when needed. In addition, due to the fact that virtualization techniques are often used in this stage, so there is obviously that we can save much cost from hiring human resources as well as buying computer or other equipment.

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