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Free Internet worldwide, is it nominal?

The internet has almost become an indispensable “companion” for all of us. A united report from the United Nations summarized by TechRadar website pointed out that the internet, along with technology has helped people communicate and become closer with each other, but they are almost meaningless to the poor or no conditions. Simply because they do not have access to a smartphone or tablet, meaning that the internet means nothing.

We always think that the world is being immersed in the digital world, but not so. Although from 2005 to 2015, the number of people getting access to the internet has increased 3 times, from about 1 billion to 3.2 billion, with the current world population, that figure is still so small. This report emphasizes that: All the benefits that the internet and modern technology give to the poor will be denied until the government has to invest in education or health care issues to give them a stable life.

Another report with title “Digital Dividends”, mentioned about the benefits that digital technology age brings people in the poor countries. According to this report, internet or technology is truly useful only when it is accompanied with serious investments in technology as well as the economic restructuring in those countries. With technology, unlucky people will have the opportunity to go to school, even online learning. They can connect with many benefactors, friends all over the world and earn themselves a job and a better life.

Realizing the benefits that the internet offers, last year Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, and many other donors decided to bring the internet to remote and isolated places. However, many people are concerned about the objectivity of free internet. The big question arises: when Facebook or other organizations want to provide free internet for the poor, whether they will collect information and to strictly control contents accessible? Now in India or Egypt there are a large number of people objecting to provide free internet, saying Facebook is abusing their power to create a monopoly on This violates the principle of equal information on the internet widely recognized today. To put it more simply, Facebook allow people in that area use the internet freely, but only with the content controlled by Facebook.


To solve entirely the problem of the big question above, of course, there still exist many things to do. Even so, we can hope that thanks to technology, the world will become more equal. Someday when internet is going across all locations, the problem of poverty will be eliminated through the assistance from developed countries, and people in difficult places will be provided the necessary knowledge to find new opportunities for themselves.

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