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A bit more colors in your wardrobe or plating always make them more attractive and eye-catching. This is also true for foods. Colorful foods not only are inviting to both kids and adults but also  help protect your body from chronic diseases, such as stroke, heart disease, diabetes, obesity and even some cancers. And as it's a sustainably healthy change in eating habits, you'll be much more likely to stick with it. 


#1: Red

Watermelon contains high levels of lycopene, a carotenoid that not only gives watermelon its red color but also helps reduce risk of some types of cancer according to some studies. This content is highest when the watermelon is fully ripe. The benefit of lycopene is greatest for lung cancer, stomach cancer and prostate cancer, but it also promising for cancer of the cervix and breast. Besides, with 92 percent water contained, watermelon is very hydrating, giving your skin a necessary amount of water.

#2: Orange

Mango is a great source of vitamin C and beta-carotene, which makes the fruit beautifully orange. Phenolic, a compound that provides the structure for antioxidants and helps promote immune system in the body is also found in mangos. According to a new study, three servings a day of beta-carotene-rich veggies and fruits can remove redness and boost a healthy glow of your skin.

#3: Yellow

Lemon is rich source of vitamin C and bioflavonoids that help reduce the risk of chronic diseases namely heart disease and cancer. Lemon peel can also function as a natural antimicrobial. One serving of salad with lemon provides the body with 4mg of iron and essential mineral. Additionally, vitamin C which is richly contained in lemons helps the body absorb the plant-based iron easier.

#4: Green

Mustard greens contain much lutein, beta-carotene, and zeaxanthin. Zeaxanthin and lutein are antioxidants that help lower the risk of macular degeneration due to aging, cataracts, and also help the body to protect healthy eye cells. Mustard greens contain 9 times the Adequate Intake of vitamin K, which is crucial for blood clotting and helps keep your bones strong when you are older. With only 36 calories contained, peppery greens should be included in your diet as a wise way to keep a slim body.

#5: Blue

Rich polyphenol content in blueberries has been proven to be potential to reverse age-related cognitive and motor function declines.  Anthocyanin, one type of polyphenol possibly help women lower 30 percent the risk of developing a heart attack. A study carried out by the University of East Anglia and the Harvard school of Public Health found that 25-to-42-year-old women who ate at least three cups of strawberries and blueberries per week were 32 percent less likely to suffer from a heart attack, compared to those who ate the those fruits once a month or less. 1/4 cup of fully ripe blueberries also contains just 20 calories.

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