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Nowadays, the definition of Cloud Computer is becoming more and more general with every organization all over the world. Cloud Computers attract investment from almost all enterprises because it can solve many common challenges in information technology. Cloud computing brings many benefits to organization and enterprises; and below is some of the benefits of applying “cloud development tools” in organizations.

Reduced the costs invested in hardware

According to the Market Report 2014, 46% of IT organizations said that the most difficult thing when they want to expand their data center is the capital and funds. With cloud computing and the other cloud development tools, they will no longer have to worry about this. The providers of cloud computing service will be responsible for all: purchasing, installing and maintaining the infrastructure as well as satisfying the customer needs. The enterprises just need to spend a small monthly fee for the needs of their use.

For example, Google has produced an application supporting Cloud, which is named as Google Cloud Playground. This tool is really useful for everyone using Cloud because of its convenience and genius. As our own John Koetsier described it, “It’s like Codecademy for the cloud, Google App Engine for idiots, or cloud-enabled applications development for newbies.”
Moreover, the Google App Engine’s service also lets people test-drive apps on Google’s App Engine, Compute Engine, or Datastore — all in just two clicks. Besides, this application also acts as a clever lure to snag devs away from AWS or Azure and gives non-cloud-savvy devs a way to get a little painless experience with cloud technologies in a very hands-on way.

Maximum the flexibility

Almost all enterprises often set up the data center based on the demand at peak times. In contrast, cloud development infrastructure supports the enterprises flexibly. It depends on the required number of applications, and then provides suitable supporting. Of course, the enterprises using cloud computing only have to pay for their real needs and demands. Of course, we are talking about cloud-based IDEs like Cloud9 IDE, Codenvy, and We also discussed Pusher, Postmark, and even Treehouse - a few services came up that didn’t quite make the cut this time around.
Reduced time of installing new applications

In the past, organizations and enterprises were not satisfied and complained so much on the speed of installing new applications. They sometimes have to wait for days to complete a new business application installed. Nowadays, Cloud development tools help you to install every business application in a few minutes instead of days.

Increase efficiency and consistency

We all have known that cloud computing can be installed and applied in a short time. Moreover, cloud development tools also can minimize errors and mistakes in the programming process and in its development. In addition, it also helps ensure the synchronized operation of your whole company based on the standards of safety and security.
Reduced the maintenance time

Many IT departments use 80 – 20 rules (Pareto) to distribute resources: 80% of the available resources to maintain the system, and only the 20% ​​invested in expanding, upgrading or finding new solutions . And that is one of the main reasons why 'keeping up with new technologies' is always a challenge for almost all IT service providers in the world (According to Frost & Sullivan’s Study). With cloud development tools, the task of infrastructure’s maintenance has been assigned to the service providers. And the users of this technology will no longer be worried about this.

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